Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Moving on now

Living back home with mom and dad now, there are so many good reasons to be living with your parents again after 11 years, but they are overshadowed by all those reasons I couldn't wait to move out. I know the feelings are mutual from myself and my parents, not only have I destroyed their house with all the crap I thought I needed to keep with me and not put in storage but I brought two kids with me. Grandma and grandpa LOVE their grandkids, but living with them is another thing altogether. I am very grateful to have my parents around right now to help with this transition into single mom life, and any minute now I am going to figure out what to do about my future living arangements.


KATE said...

Leigh! Hi, I'm Karis "little" sister Kati. (I say little, but I'm twice her size in more ways than one, ha ha) Do you even remember me?
I just saw you on here. I love blogging & I'm addicted to it!
I'm sorry things are crap right now! That has to be so hard, I can't even imagine. I promise things will get better! Hang in there & I'm so glad to see you on here.
I saw your Disney pic, your boys are so cute!!
- Kati

KATE said...

How's it going?

KATE said...

I hope you & your sweet boys are getting ready for a Great Christmas!!
Merry Christmas!!