Saturday, March 27, 2010

She can blog!

If I could figure out how to create a new blog I would just do that, then people might not notice that it took me almost two years to get back to this thing. And this is the only picture I could find on this computer with all three of us in it, see that's me in the bottom right. :-) Hey at least the picture is almost recent!
I find myself with a lot of time on my hands lately and instead of tending to my virtual farm, virtual mafia, vitual kingdom etc...etc... Maybe I can get something more constructive done, like blogging. lol. Good thing I have a boyfriend who can cook because when left alone I really just sit here in front of my computer. If it weren't for Danger dropping that ball in my lap I might never leave this laptop.

Realizing that I am making a huge jump here from my last entry I will try to get everyone caught up;

  • the divorce was final, went to Vegas, my girlfriend got married...

  • still living with mom and dad

  • still hanging out with the same boy

  • still living with mom and dad

  • Duncan went to Kindergarten, it was about as bad as he thought it would be but he did do very well with learning to read and write and first grade is going even better

  • still living with mom and dad

  • Alex managed to graduate 6th grade and is off at Herman Middle School (Principal's list even)

  • finally moved out of mom and dad's and this is where the real story begins.

I could never find an affordable place to rent that was in a part of San Jose I was willing to raise my kids in and since I had recently been spending a lot of time in Sonoma County and really liked the way people live up there and the cost of living was more in my price range I thought what the heck let's do it. So I found a job at Kaiser in Santa Rosa and found myself a house to rent that has two acres of land for a garden, chicken coop and really a whole lot more and I moved to Cloverdale.

Sounds great huh? It was pretty darn perfect except for the divorce part and the ex-husband and his parents! So a long story short the court systems won't let you move kids out of the county without orders and it takes more than one year to get those orders. I still don't have my kids with me and I drive to San Jose every weekend to see them, but I still miss them so much. The kids are living with Wayne's parents and still going to school in San Jose and I just met with the judge this week and the next appointment with him won't be until October!!!!! So I will have to wait even longer to get my kids back, but they will be with me for the majority of the summer and for that I am SUPER HAPPY!!!!!!! and excited to finally be able to hang out with my kids again.

Now if I can just figure out how to link this with Facebook, maybe I will remember to blog once in awhile, afterall my fabulous garden should be starting any day now.

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